Thursday, July 4, 2013

Utter Ridiculousness in the Visa Process

I recently read the following letter to the president regarding a Jordanian citizen who, having spent several years in the US studying for a PhD, was denied re-entry after getting married in his home country. He was, according to the author:
  1. A model student who excelled at his studies which some $200,000 of taxpayer money was spent on.
  2. Had a great job lined up that would've brought lots of benefits back to local and federal government.
  3. Was a great ambassador for the Muslim faith, showing by example what the faith represents at its best.

I'm sure that there are details regarding the denial of re-entry that neither I nor the professor at Johns Hopkins University are privy to. That being said, this seems utterly ridiculous given the information that I do have. Why would we want to keep somebody who seems to be the best possible representative of another country and culture out of our country? Especially when they're poised to contribute so well to society and to a successful company?

I suppose that I'll never get the whole story and so, at this point, I'm left with praying that:
  1. There was no injustice from anybody involved in the process.
  2. If there was that it would be rooted out and the people punished as appropriate.
  3. That the officials involved would realize that this is ridiculous and grant Omar a visa if he is still willing to come to the States.
  4. That he would have the grace to not hold this silliness against the country and it's people as a whole.